Monday, February 19, 2007

Murder at Smeaton Street

I don't know if this is a wind up and its not funny if a person's dead but.........Bravo10 said............he was with a guy (who was a regular customer of ours) the guy went into his house then came out looking a bit shocked and asked the driver if he would go into the house and be a witness of a murder scene,our operator told him to say no and for him to get the police?

I've since had a text message that the guy was stabbed in the house took outside,shot and then took back inside the house to confuse the police...... doesent sound good to me.......i'll let you's know?


Anonymous said...

Stone me - you see life up there, don't you?

Gaz said...

We do try?

Torquer said...

Sh*t. Sounds rough round there. I think I'm safe in Mossely Hill...

Gaz said...

Keep away torquer,its not safe?