I had to throw a reject out my cab the other night,the guy flagged me over the road from Maddigans on Knowsley Rd,he says" Olivia St mate" so no sooner did I set off he says" do a right here mate"(meaning Balfour Rd which is a dead end)"its a dead end hear ye know mate"I tell him but it fell on deaf ears."why do you want to come down here" I asked "its Quicker" came the reply????????????????????????????So I think.........Here we go...................Upon getting to the end of the dead end St I say"I told you it was a dead end" and turn round to drive back.
"Your taking the piss" the guy says
"IM not taking the piss,I told you this was a dead end"
"just take me to Olivia St and stop taking the piss"
As we were approaching the corner of Knowsley Rd (again) I pointed it out .."See that corner,that's were you got in and that's were your getting out"
So I pulled up at the corner and politely say"GET OUT"
At this point the guy gets all apologetic and says"sorry about that,that was all my fault,now can you please take me to Olivia St"So looking in the mirror,I 'm looking at him and thinking ,he's no real threat so I give him the benefit of the doubt and indicate right,just as I start to pull away he says"no do a left it was that road I meant,pointing to another dead end.
At this point I lost my head and shouted"ye can't get down any of these streets,there all dead ends,GET THE FUCK OUT WILL YE"at this point the guy was pretty spooked and was flapping about looking for the door handle,"how...how...mutch do I owe you he muttered" "I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING MONEY JUST GET FUCKING OUT"
"No I insist on paying you lad,I've upset you and I'm sorry about that"the guy paid me and got out,there was still a lot of flags around Maddigans but I drove away empty in case they had all been drinking the same stuff?