If they where to drown who would you save first?
Mum/Dad, Son/Daughter, Cat/Dog or whoever.
We from the blog this team asked some local taxi drivers their thoughts.
Driver Chose of who to save What they said!
Young Stanley
Brains (his oldest taxi buddy who introduced him to the trade)
Carl (his holiday partner)
Er, I’d save the dude coz if Carl got his hair wet he’d want to drown any way
His Gooner
His mother in law who seen his wowser in the shower
I drive a T40,SSK,1,400
And it wasn’t my mother in law it was my uncle dressed up
John Keyo
The paki
Can’t choose coz &*&*&*&^*hhjty67^&^&^& in cleggys all day and then when harrys on I **^*$#%^&&**! Of a night
Jeff Ready
His villa
His fleet of cabs
I,d have to save my fleet coz my villa coundn’t drown untill the pump was fixed!
His Mrs
A Member of staff fro Sayers
What do you think?
His Horse
Phil McCann
His horse coz there's not as mutch shit!
His wardrobe
His personallity
Neither are worth jack shit
Mick Kendall
His Familly
His Phone a Friend
Got to be his familly,he must have a stash to last him a few days till he finds another?
Andy Taylor
Jeff Ready
He'd have to toss a coin coz according to metros finest they are both verry close to him?