The non other than ........[ALED JONES]................ Now goes down in the "METRO CELEB BOOK" our mate Eggsville picked the young guy up from Speek Airport (John Lennon----Liverpool Airport....All the same one)and took the guy to an undisclosed hotel(security reasons this)in lpool town centre,where the guy was going to do an interview with the non other radio merseyside the next morning,I thought it was a bit out of order when the guy phoned up to see where his cab was and a non respectful driver was singing the snowman song in a-minor (that's the lads claim to fame b4 his voice broke).
I've yet to see Eggsville to hear of any updates on the story(like anyone gives a shit) but there ye go.
Ive spoken to the egg man and he said the guy he picked up was a chink,.............................Must be a tribute act?
Maybe he got the wrong fare? Like we know what Aled Jones look's like?(A Snowman)