Saturday we had the sad news Billy Sanders passed away,he had been retired for a couple of years but he was still a star player in the cab trade.Goodnight Billy and God Bless...............
As soon as I get the funeral details I'll let ye's know,We'll all be their to show our respects wont we lad's?
Billy's funeral's at St Robert Bellarmines Church,Monday October 18 At 12 noon,interment following at Bootle Cemetery.
Bob told me a funny story about Billy,Ye know the 2 disabled places at the back of te Yate's rank,well Billy was parked on them when a guy came up and said.............................................
(member of public):excuse me,can you move your cab so I can park in the disabled place?
(Kirkstone Billy):Disabled,I'm older than than you,disabled,there's nothing wrong with ye.
MOP:I just want to park my car in the disabled bay?
KB:well if yer was disabled i would have moved but theirs nothing wrong with ye.
The guy then rolls up his trousers and shows Billy his artificial leg........................................................
Still did no good....................................Billy didn't move and the guy drove away...............
A good few years ago now maybe about 10 iwas driving down hawthorne rd towards Aintree rd when Kirkstone Billy flagged me down and said "keep an eye on my my cab kid while i grab this guy"i was abit stunned at first then realised Billy had had a problem with his passenger,so billy was chasing this guy who was going ape shit,shouting"you stay away from me you fucking nutter" and the like's,so Billy was being real calm and saying "what have i done to you lad,i've done nothing wrong"to whitch Billy srarted spraying the guy with CS Gas,but to no avail,it was like water off a duck's back.The guy gott off and jumpud over a wall,(the old railway wall)but their was no escape,so billy said to me"radio for the police",i wasent on a radio system then so i told him i'd drive down to marsh lane police station and tell them(it was open at night in them days)so i did my duty and then took a flag to Huyton,on my way back i thought i'll take a nosey,and their was Billy talking to the police,Lad in the back of the van,when a copper walked over to me and said"how many taxi's where their when this went off,i said"loads about 12"me and Billy.the copper went on to say "this lad stinks of cs gas which is a class a firearm and my boss is going apeshit"Billy was standing their with a bottle of windowline in his hand saying"this is all i sprayed him with"
He got off with it,but there is more to this story,That guy they called the flower seller,gone on the city now,i heard him telling the story saying he was the witness,and he said to Billy "yer on ye own now,i dont want to know"lyin fuckin tit.(drives a maroon cab,could be Billy Mah's)